We’re sitting down with the National Sales Manager for Javelin Drain Product – Javelin is being showcased at the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Show in Orlando, Florida.

Cam could you tell us about Javelin Drain Products and why it was developed.

 Thank you, we are very excited to be at the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Show in Orlando, its great to meet restaurant owners face to face.

The Javelin brand was born 18 years ago, and at this time there were no “user-friendly” drain openers on the market.  The only option plumbers had if they wanted to use a liquid drain opener was Sulphuric Acid, and we all know the extreme dangers that are associated with using Sulphuric Acid:

  • Extreme heat
  • Extreme odor
  • Can cause major damage to the pipes and all substrates the chemical comes into contact with.
  • Can be extremely harmful to humans of inhaled.

We saw there was an opportunity in the market to create a safer, more efficient solution for professionals and end users to solve their drainage problems.

Cam tell us a little bit about the different products within Javelin brand

Sure, Javelin is a brand of application specific drain cleaning products designed to return urinal drains, tub and sink drains, commercials kitchen drains, plumbing stacks, building drains and grease traps back to their original flow capacity.  Our mission is to provide solutions to solve drain blockages of all types in pipes from 1 ½” to 8”, we have three products that cover most drain issues:

All three products (when used correctly) return the intended drain pipe back to original flow capacity. What makes Javelin even more unique is that our drain chemicals can be used for:

  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Slow Drains
  • Full blockages (except our Kitchen Drain & Septic Treatment, you need water flow in the drain for this product to be effective)

On top of this, our products are known for:

  • No smoke
  • No smell
  • No Heat
  • Can be sold to non-licensed plumbers.
  • Can be sold to home owners.
  • Will NOT damage the pipes or the substrate of the fixture that the chemical is intended to make contact with.

Many restaurant owners are speaking about their problems with grease build up in their grease drains starting from the pot and pan sink to the grease interceptor all the way out to the city main line.  Can you discuss some of their issues and how javelin Kitchen drain and septic can solve those issues?

I have to say we were surprised by the number of restaurant owners who had issues with their grease lines and drains, this was a common theme throughout the show. As you know restaurants obviously produce a substantial amount of grease and they all must have grease interceptors as per city code (Grease interceptors capture the fats, oil, and grease flowing down kitchen drains and stop them from flowing to the sewer).

The reality is, that restaurants do not always stay on top of the maintenance of their grease interceptor, and the fall out is the drain line starting from the pot and pan sink, to the grease interceptor all the way to the city main line becomes blocked with grease.

To fix this problem it requires hiring a company to power jet the clogged line which can cost thousands of dollars. Also don’t forget about the cost of kitchen down time while the jetting is being performed.

The issue is often treated as an “out of sight, out of mind situation” until the problem occurs. And when it occurs, it’s pretty much like an avalanche of water with no place to go.  The drain starts to back up with grease, and all of a sudden it becomes a major problem for them, and they have to react immediately. Many restaurants are very reactionary when it comes to their drain maintenance issues, whether it’s urinals or tubs and sinks and of course, their floor drains, which can lead to the grease traps and city main.

Our Javelin Kitchen Drain & Septic Treatment is a cost-effective solution that almost any restaurant small or large which can implemented with ease.  But I will discuss more of that later.

Cam what is the quick sales pitch on Javelin Kitchen Drain and Septic Treatment?

 Javelin Kitchen Drain and Septic Treatment contains a bacteria package representing all the food groups.  Once the bacteria makes contact with the sludge, the bacteria multiply in the billions and all they do is consume the sludge, the by-product being carbon dioxide and amino acids.  Javelin does not heat up and move the grease to the larger pipe – only to solidify back to a sludge like consistency, it dissolves it completely.

Why is Javelin Kitchen drain and sink different and or better than competitors out there?

What makes Javelin kitchen drain and septic treatment different is we have one formula that tackles all the issues when it comes to fat, oil, grease and waste. Many of our competitors have specific chemicals designed for fat and oil or just grease, or just for waste, sometimes just to soften the sludge versus dissolving the grease buildup.

Our competition often offers four and five different products, whereas at Javelin, we just offer one product with a catch all formula that dissolves fat, oil and grease and waste buildup and most organic matter.

Can you walk us through a recommended treatment plan for someone who has consistent backups in their grease trap lines?

Absolutely. So what they should do, number one, is have their grease trap cleaned, and they should have the pipes leading from the grease trap jetted out. From there, you can start a javelin drain maintenance program with our Kitchen Drain and Septic treatment.

I recommend that they start off by using our five gallon pail with a dosing pump, which basically you set the dosing pump based on the grease trap capacity, typically a 50 pound grease trap. We’re going to suggest 4 or 5 oz per night that the drain is dosed with the chemical. And what happens is you continue to feed the bacteria in every single night. And that continues to break down organic material build up.

The five-gallon pail will typically last about 60 days. And ultimately, what you’re doing is stopping all buildup from occurring. There’ll be no sludge build up in the grease trap. It’ll be more of the consistency of water, and it will make grease trap cleaning way more efficient and not remotely as invasive as having a company come in to jet all the lines.

What if a restaurant does not want to use an automatic dosing dispenser and they want to do this manually, what can they use and how often should they do this process?

That’s a great question, you can do this manually where you use our one quart bottle. Or maybe you want to try out the product for a month or so to see if it makes a difference before purchasing the pump system.

The process would be to take our 16oz of chemical and mix it in a five gallon pail with approximately two gallons of lukewarm water, and you would want to pour that down the pot and pan sink, before closing time.

You would also want to pour the chemical into any floor drains that don’t tie into the grease trap in the kitchen. Since there are typically a few other drains in the kitchen. Each drain would get approximately one gallon of diluted chemical.

This process should be done over 3-4 consecutive days in the beginning so that the bacteria can take hold and start removing the grease and fat.  From there you can monitor the lines and start to pull back on treatment to once a week or monthly, depending on the size of the kitchen.


Thanks for the time today Cam, this has been really informative, we hope that restaurant owners can use this information to help with their grease issues in their kitchen.